With the revival on Asbury University's campus earlier this year and news of hundreds of college students giving their lives to Christ and getting baptized THIS WEEK at Auburn University, one thing is clear: my generation of believers (Gen Z) has a zeal for the Kingdom of God and a desire to see God's Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
First, let's PRAISE GOD for what He is doing in Gen Z and pray that His Spirit continues to move! Isaac and I have such a burden to reach Gen Z with the Gospel and see them step into their God-given calling.
Second, I want to encourage other people in my generation who, like me, have that desire for God to use them to do big things for the Kingdom.
Last week, I read in John 1, and something about the life of John the Baptist stood out to me. There aren't many people who can say they have had the ministry impact of John the Baptist. He was prophesied about in the Old Testament, and he even got to baptize Jesus Christ Himself.
This a guy who could have thought he was really something special. Yet, he went as far as to say that he was not worthy to untie Jesus' sandals. He was not even worthy to untie the sandals of Jesus. Think about that.
People asked if he was the Messiah; he made sure they knew he was not. He did not claim credit or special status. He was humble.
See, humility is the key to do something great for God. You have to be willing to deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow Christ.
My word for 2023 is humility, and while it is not always the most "fun" word for the year, it has been imperative for my sanctification. If I want to make a big impact for God (and I do), He must increase, and I must decrease. I must humble myself under His mighty hand. I must live for His glory alone, not my own. It was the same for John the Baptist, and it is the same for you.
It might sound counterproductive that in order to make a big impact for the Kingdom, you must make yourself small, but the ways of the Kingdom tend to be the opposite of what sounds natural to our flesh.
Whether you are Gen Z or in your eighties, humility is a non-negotiable if you want to do something for God. It just is.