I feel like the constant theme of my young adult life has been God showing me over and over again that I am not in control of my life. I try to plan my life down to the minute, and His plans triumph over my plans every time (thankfully).
But, why do I keep needing to be reminded of this truth? Why did I not get a firm grasp of it the first time?
There are probably a lot of reasons, but I think what it ultimately comes down to is where my trust lies.
The Book of Psalms is found in the Old Testament and has songs, poems, and prayers. Many Psalms were written by King David. David was the shepherd boy turned warrior turned king of Israel. He is who you may have learned about in Sunday School (the one who defeated Goliath, the giant, with a sling and stone).
The Psalm of David that I want to look at it today is Psalm 20, specifically verse 7.
David wrote this in Psalm 20:7, "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."
As I read about Psalm 20 on Enduring Word, a free online commentary, I learned that this Psalm was essentially a prayer for the King of Israel as he went into battle.
This gave me a bit of a new perspective on this verse because I realized it was a declaration that in the midst of battle, we are not to trust in anything or anyone but the Lord. He is who fights our battles and brings us victory.
Recently, I have been fighting my own battle of fear and struggling to completely trust the Lord. I will not get into the details of it, but last week, I was talking to God about it during my prayer time. I was being so real and honest with Him, and in that moment, He showed up.
The Lord gave me a picture during my prayer time that changed my perspective that I think can help you, too.
As some of you know, my mom is in the process of recovering from a condition called, Gullain-Barre Sydrome. She currently cannot drive, goes to physical therapy twice a week, and goes to the doctor every 10-14 days. I have been driving her to all of her appointments for months now.
With that being said, there have been moments throughout this time period when my mom has been a passenger seat driver (if you know what I mean), and it has been a bit frustrating for me. Because in my mind, I have gotten her where she has needed to go every single time so far, so she should trust my ability to drive based on what I have done in the past.
As I was praying about my own situation, God reminded me of how I want my mom to just trust me to get her to where she needs to go and not question me. Then, I realized how on a much bigger scale, I should trust the Lord to get me where I need to go.
If I expect my mom to trust the person who is forever remembered in her high school yearbook as "Most Likely to Wreck Your Car in the School Parking Lot" to drive her around, how much more should I trust the God of the universe to work everything together for my good?
I am not a perfect driver, but God is a perfect God. I cannot control situations like traffic, but God is sovereign and in control over everything. He has been completely faithful to me in the past, always getting me where I need to go exactly when I need to be there. I should trust His faithfulness and ability to be the Driver of my life.
What about you? Are you trusting God to be the Driver of your life? Are you a passanger seat driver? Do you even try to grab the wheel from Him sometimes?
I think we have all been there, but let's be intentional to not stay there. Let's choose to trust in the name of the Lord our God like David talked about. David knew what it was to trust the Lord. He was confident that the Lord was his shepherd and would take care of him. I want to do the same.
I wonder what it is that you need to trust the Lord with today. Is it your finances? Is it your future career? Is it your singleness? Is it a health concern?
Whatever it is, I believe that God wants to meet you in it and that He has it all in His sovereign hands. In fact, He has promised in His Word that you can trust Him.