Throughout my life as I have gone through different seasons, I have had to figure out what my time with God looked like specifically during that time.
My first year of college, it looked like spending time with God when my roommate had class and I didn't. My second year of college, it looked like shutting my bedroom door in my apartment so that my roommates would know not to come in during that time. When I worked in vocational ministry, it looked like reading my Bible during my lunch break.
You get the idea.
Now, as a new mom, I am navigating how to have intentional time with God while also taking care of my 7 week old son. Since he has been born, I have learned some tips along the way that I hope can encourage you too, whatever your busy season may be.
Here are the ways I have been prioritizing time with God as a stay at home mom:
Utilize your phone-
Simply read a chapter of Scripture on the Bible app! You can do this while walking to class if you're in college, or if you're a mom like me, while you're sitting on the couch holding your baby. Whatever it looks like, you can choose to read a chapter of the Bible rather than scrolling Instagram (because let's be real, we manage to make time to do that).
Listen to worship music on your TV-
Sometimes, while I'm holding my son, I get on YouTube on my TV and play worship music. This is a simple way to praise God and spend time in His presence.
Talk to God-
Yes. It really is this simple. We can talk to God anytime! I can talk to Him while feeding my son, folding laundry, cleaning bottles. Literally whenever. If you're struggling to spend time with God, don't overcomplicate it. Start talking to Him throughout your day. He is with you in every single moment wherever you are. He is always available to us!
Some other tips is listening to Scripture being read to you, picking a verse to meditate on throughout the day, and being flexible. Right now, for me, having one specific time of day to have a quiet time is just not possible. So, whenever the opportunity presents itself, I try to take it!
Whether you're in college, working full time, or a parent, we need time to focus on the Lord. It may look different than it has in times past, but the One you're spending time with never changes.