Throughout this pandemic, I have created a new playlist on my phone titled, "praise in the pandemic," so I thought I could share my top 10 favorite songs on this playlist. God has used each of these songs in one way or another to bring me closer to Him and speak life into my heart. I do primarily listen to contemporary worship music, but even if it is not your usual style, I encourage you to give some of these songs a chance and see if you like them. Also, if you have Apple Music & would like for me to share this playlist with you, don't hesitate to reach out!
This song has a positive beat and an even more positive message. There is NOTHING that Jesus can't do. This pandemic has been scary to say the least, and this song reminds me that Jesus can stop this at any second. This virus doesn't compare at all to our God.
Right before the pandemic really hit, I was getting pretty attached to this song at the Walk. This song tells us to lay our burden down upon Jesus, and I think we all need to hear that right now. The fear created by this pandemic can become a great burden (and it has been in my life), but this song assures me that Jesus is waiting with open arms to carry my burden.
I love how calming this song is. It is peaceful and slow and speaks such rich truth. Jesus has loved us and cared for us more than anyone possibly could. His love and care is more than enough, and when I hear this song, I feel like I am a little girl and God as my Father just picks me up and sits me on His lap and reminds me it will all be okay.
This season of social distancing and spending more time at home has opened the door for great growth in our walks with the Lord. I think this song really just speaks a lot to where our nation and world is right now and how ultimately what we need is revival. We need Jesus.
This song is pretty personal to me because there was a brief time period when I was so afraid of COVID-19 that I literally could not think of anything else. When something that is not God consumes your mind, it is idolatry. I was putting more faith in a virus than I was in Christ; ultimately, I feared a virus more than I feared God. This song was playing in the car when God reminded me of His authority and convicted me of my sin, and I had to repent right there in the car.
I have to preface this song is pretty out there, but it is SO powerful. It makes me want to go run a mile (and I hate running). "Just ask the stone that was rolled at the tomb in the garden what happens when God says, 'Move.'" With a line like that, it absolutely HAS to be a good song.
I already made a post that focused a lot on this song and its popularity, so I guess I won't elaborate on it too much. However, if you want a song that reminds you exactly who God is and what He can do, this is it. This is definitely it.
The first couple of weeks of quarantine, God really used this song to encourage me that He could (and would) bring good of this bad situation. I had it on repeat for quite awhile. This is also one of my mom's favorite songs, and if you know Phyllis, you know she is someone you want to listen to.
I use this song as a prayer over our nation and over our world. We need a great move of God to bring great, positive, and lasting change. This will require us to fall on our faces in humility before the Lord and surrender it all to Him. Revival starts with us seeking God, and this song can help you do just that.
This song is largely composed of Scripture, so it cannot get much better than that. This song helps me have full confidence that God IS good and He wants good for me. He is on my side, fighting this battle for me. His blessing is still on our lives right now even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. He is working, He is with us, He is for us.