This time of quarantine is weird, y'all.
That is the only way I really know how to explain it.
I have finished online school, watched the entire 5 seasons of Fuller House in a week with my mom, eaten lots of ice cream, and FaceTimed my best friend Keerthana a lot.
At first glance, it looks like this time has been a time of no progress, but today, the Lord showed me that there is more to this season than what initially meets the eye.
I have learned how to work when I really, really did not want to (Zoom University is not fun, FYI), cooked meals and made desserts with my mom, worked out a lot more than I used to, only drank coffee when I needed it, listened to podcasts (Sadie Robertson and Lauren Daigle podcasts I enjoy a lot!), watched more sermons on YouTube, had more movie nights with my parents, and took the time to really enjoy eating pizza (two months without pizza was too long).
Cooking, working out, listening to podcasts and sermons, movie nights, these are all things I used to "not have time" for. Something that God has shown me in this season that I did not really realize was Him until today is that before quarantine, I often forgot to make time for the things that I enjoyed because I was too busy focusing on striving, working, trying, and doing.
God has also taught me during this time about church.
1. The presence of God is truly what makes church, church. You can have church without the pastor or the worship leader, but you cannot have church without the Holy Spirit. It is impossible. Online church is much different than what we are all used to, but being followers of Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. He will still speak and still move if we are just in the right position and mindset to hear Him.
2. We really do need each other. At the college ministry I attend, The Walk, we are constantly told that as followers of Jesus, "Community is our design." God commanded us in His Word in Hebrews 10:25 to not forsake "the assembling of ourselves together," and this time of not getting to attend church in person has really shown me why this commandment is so, so important. We need to meet with our brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage and exhort one another. I hope that after I am finally back in church I will take the time to truly appreciate the blessing it is to be able to fellowship with other believers and worship Jesus together.
I haven't written since the end of March simply because I wondered how I could encourage you all during a time of such discouragement. I wanted to write, but I just could not get the words to come out. So, today the Lord led me to just share my heart and be honest with you guys.
I do not have all of the answers, but I do know the ultimate answer. His Name is Jesus.
He loves you, He is for you, and if you have trusted Him as your Savior, He is with you and will never leave. I don't know what could be more encouraging than that: the one, true God loves you.
Also, this was taken on the Foothills Parkway. It is so beautiful and fun! Take the drive!