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Writer's pictureLeslie Kandel

do you love Jesus?

There’s a moment in Acts that has really been standing out to me lately. In Acts 5, the apostles were arrested and beaten for teaching about Jesus. What's interesting is how they respond to being persecuted for their faith. Acts 5:41 says, “And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.”

How many people would say that they would rejoice after literally being beaten simply for telling people about Jesus? Think about all of the people you know who would say they love Jesus. Would they rejoice to get to suffer for Him? Would you rejoice to get to suffer for Him?

It's hard to think about. But it's worth asking because Jesus said in Luke 9:23, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me."

True genuine love for Jesus will be evident in our lives. I'm not saying we'll be perfect (we absolutely will not be perfect, that's why we need a Savior), but when we really love Jesus, it will show up in the way that we live.

For me, right now in this season of life, I feel the Holy Spirit calling me even higher, calling me to a faith that is even bigger and deeper, calling me to an even deeper love for Jesus. I have loved Jesus so much since I first met Him at ten years old. I have something I wrote like a week after I was saved at ten about how much I loved Him. I still have a post-it note in my drawer that I stuck on my wall at twelve saying I love Him. I have loved Jesus for the majority of my life, but I believe He wants more.

The more He shows me and teaches me about how to love Him more, the more joy and peace I find myself having. It's interesting. The more I love Jesus and fix my eyes of Him, the more everything else fades away.

I am praying for a heart to love Jesus even more than I already do, a heart that would rejoice when He calls me to do something that makes me uncomfortable, a heart that would obey Him without question or hesitation, a heart that would seek first His Kingdom rather than anything this world has to offer.

I have to be honest and say that I love the season I’m in. I’m married to a godly man and have stepped into my calling as a Christian writer. But I’m thankful that even in a season where I love where I’m at, I have a God who calls me higher and asks for more of me. He's not done with me yet, not even close.

I think to see revival it’s going to take believers loving Jesus like the early church did. Loving Him above literally everything. Loving Him to the point that we could rejoice if we were persecuted for our faith in Him. I challenge you today, reader, to join me on this journey of loving Jesus. Really loving Him. He's sure worthy of it.

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