This is an exciting post to be writing! Blog readers, I would like to introduce you all to my boyfriend, Isaac :)
I wanted to write up a quick post telling the story of how we met (10 years ago by the way), and how God caused us to cross paths yet again in 2021.
So, Isaac and I first met in 6th grade 10 years ago, and back then, he actually had a crush on me (this was apparently such a big deal back in 2011 that a lot of other people also remember it, which is funny now). He ended up moving, and by the time he moved back, I had moved schools. So, after that, we didn't really see each other again.
Flash forward to September 2021, we reconnected in the Instagram dms of course, met up at a coffee shop and talked for so long that they actually came up to us to say that they were closing (lol), and went on our real first date a few days later. On our first date, he bought me a steak and Cruze Farm ice cream and listened to me talk about Taylor Swift for a solid 30 minutes. Definitely a 10/10 date.
After that first date, we hung out a lot, met each other's families, went to his movie premiere, and then, this past Monday, he asked me to be his girlfriend. And I was pretty happy about it.
For all of you who have been reading my blog over the last few years, you know I have wrote about my singleness on a few occasions. So, I felt like I needed to update y'all.
Not too long after I started college, the Lord made it very clear to me that He wanted me to wait when it came to a dating relationship. I didn’t know how long that wait would be. I wondered if it would be months, a year, multiple years.
Time went on, and I graduated college having never dated anyone the entire time I was there. There were times it was frustrating (like that time when both of my roommates got boyfriends within a day of each other & I was home watching disney+), and there were other times that I didn’t even think about dating. It was such a journey, and the Lord taught me so much about patience, obedience, & humility during that time. Now looking back, I am more than thankful for that season because God taught me so much and grew me in ways I never could've imagined.
And then, at the most unexpected time possible, the Lord crossed Isaac and I's paths again. A couple weeks before Isaac & I reconnected, I had even said that dating was not at all a priority of mine right now & I was completely fine with it being just me & Jesus without someone else coming in. The person I said that to told me not to shut that door of my life because God may want to bring someone into my life & it could be anytime. Now, here I am dating the guy who had a crush on me back in 6th grade who loves Jesus & buys me chickfila & is willing to go take parking garage pictures of me & Keerthana. God is kind like that.
I say all of this to say, don’t waste the waiting seasons. God hasn’t forgotten about you & He knows what’s best for you. It’s easier said than done (and trust me, when I was home watching disney+ while my friends were out with their boyfriends, I honestly probably would've rolled my eyes at a post like this), but you can also trust me on this, the waiting is worth it.
So, that's the story of how I met my boyfriend. I hope it was encouraging to you, and if you're in a time of waiting, enjoy it & lean into whatever God is trying to teach you through it!
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." Ephesians 3:20 KJV.