If you have read any of my blog posts or listened to the Well Read Podcast or watched a teaching video, you know that I believe reading the Bible is essential. You know that I teach that we as followers of Jesus desperately need His Word.
Maybe, you see my content as just someone else telling you should read the Bible, but that was never the goal of Well Read. We are here to teach you the Bible, why to read it, and how to read it. I am confident that you already know you should read the Bible: I want to help you understand why you should and how to do it.
With that being said, I think it is safe to assume that we all want to hear from God. We want to hear His voice and know what to do in certain situations. However, it is hard to expect to hear from God if you are not interested in reading His Word.
A big reason that you should read the Bible is to hear from God.
This blog post idea came to my mind as I reflected on an experience I had with God just this past week. To be transparent with you guys, I want a bigger house. Now, to clarify, I do not think this desire in itself is sinful or unhealthy, but it can get that way. And, if I am honest, it had for me. I worried about it multiple times a day, rather than trusting God's timing and provision.
On Saturday night, I spent time in prayer about a few things on my mind, this being one of them. I brought my worries, fears, and desires to the Lord. I did my best to surrender the fears and lack of trust to Him. And, He answered.
Did an affordable home with more space suddenly come out of nowhere? No. Did He tell me I'd have a bigger house soon? Again, no.
The song I was listening to had a lyric that said, "There is no good thing that You withhold."
That stood out to me, and I immediately remembered the verse that talks about that very thing.
It is important to point out that one part of Scripture memorization that I need to grow in is remembering the exact chapter and verse number. It is easy for me to remember the book a verse is in but not the chapter and verse number.
For example, I knew this verse was somewhere in the Psalms but did know where exactly. I thought to myself, I wonder where in the Psalms that is. Then, instantly, Psalm 84:11 came to mind. I looked it up and found that this is Psalm 84:11, "For the LORD God is a sun and shield;
The LORD will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold From those who walk uprightly."
I was amazed for a couple of reasons. 1. God had answered my prayer so clearly, not with a house but with a simple reminder from His Word. He was not withholding good from us. He loves us, and He knows our needs and what will be a good thing for us at what time. My focus needed to be walking uprightly, honoring Him with a grateful heart. 2. He brought the exact verse and chapter to my mind when I needed it. He spoke through His Word.
You might wonder how this works. Well, as believers, we are indwelled by the Holy Spirit, who is God, at the moment of salvation. He guides us, teaches us, convicts us, and leads us.
In John 14, Jesus spoke to His disciples about a few things, one of them being the Holy Spirit whom they would later receive.
Jesus said this in John 14:26, "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you."
I had read Psalm 84:11 plenty of times, but in the natural, I could not remember that it was chapter 84, verse 11. But, the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance what I had previously learned when I needed to remember it.
If you want God to speak to you like this, you must be in His Word! You must read the Bible so that at the needed time, the Holy Spirit can bring what you have read to your remembrance and give you the faith to move forward.
Maybe, you find it annoying when a pastor or Bible teacher tells you yet another time that you should read the Bible, but remember, there is a reason they are telling you that. God has given us the Bible, 66 books, to speak to us and tell us His Will for our lives. What more of a reason do you need to read this amazing book?