When I think on my three years at UT, so many great memories come to mind, but there is one in particular that is a complete stand out. This is my absolute favorite college story to tell.
When I was a senior in high school & God began to lead me to UT, I remember writing a specific prayer in my prayer journal for my future college roommate. I prayed that she would either be a believer and we could encourage each other in our walks with the Lord or that she would be a lost person who I could potentially help lead to the Lord.
Long story short, God really came through, and I got both of the things I asked for. One of my roommates had been raised in church but had never actually put her faith in Christ, and my other roommate was a believer who was following after the Lord with all of her heart.
Praise God, my roommate who didn't know Jesus was saved our second year of college. We were at church, and the message was titled: "People live forever." The Holy Spirit revealed the truth of the gospel to her and showed her her need for a Savior. I am beyond thankful that after the message, when the pastor gave an invitation for people to receive Christ, she said yes and surrendered her life to Jesus.
Before she even told me she had been saved, I could see the change on her face. I could see the joy. I saw the Spirit working in her life, and it was truly amazing.
It was such an answered prayer, and every time I remember, I thank God for doing what only He could do and saving her.
My other roommate who was following Jesus had never been baptized when we got to college. I prayed for God to give her the boldness to take her faith public, and praise God, at the end of our first semester, at a Sunday morning church service, she took her faith public in baptism. I sat on the front row, and it was an incredible experience to get to see the joy of the Lord on her face as she came out of the water.
Both of these friendships have taught me a lot. God used my friendship with my roommate who came to know Jesus to remind me that only He can save. Only He can convict and draw people to Him. It is absolutely my job as a follower of Jesus to share the gospel and be a light & witness, but only God can give the increase.
He used my friendship with my roommate who was already a believer to push me closer to Him and show me what iron sharpening iron truly looks like. My last year of college, she believed in me and championed me as I applied to law school, and she celebrated with me when I finally got that first acceptance letter. We served on prayer team together at church and got to see firsthand the power and importance of prayer.
I am thankful God chose to give me both things I asked for in a roommate. I thought it was an either/or prayer, but God made it a both/and prayer because that's just how good He is.
If you think God doesn't hear your prayers, I hope this reassures you that He does. If you don't have Godly friends in your life, ask God to bring you some. It may not be exactly when you expect Him to, but He will show up in the right time. Go where Godly people are. Go to church, go to a campus ministry (if you are in college), join a Bible study group. Godly friendships are worth it.
"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Proverbs 27:17 KJV.
First roomie picture ever while on my trip to Murfreesboro!
Last picture at our freshman dorm a week before I graduated! We grew up so much in three years.
This is us freshman year after her baptism! Such a happy day!
This is us this summer at my 21st birthday dinner.