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Writer's pictureLeslie Kandel

9 things i have learned in my 9 years w/ Jesus

Updated: Jun 20, 2020

I found something a few weeks ago that I wrote at ten years old, "I am just listening to a song and still loving God for what He did for me!!!"

When I read that, I got a little teary eyed because I was able to see the faithfulness of God first hand. Nine years ago, I sat at home singing out praises to the Lord, and here I am at nineteen doing the same thing.

Ten years old. Just a little girl with almost no life experience, who spent her days watching Hannah Montana and drinking Capri Suns but who also knew one thing for certain: Jesus changed her life forever.

For those who do not know September 12, 2010 is the day I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. He rescued me that day and has never left since. His glory has never changed, His grace has never changed, His love has never changed. He has remained constant over the last nine years, the one thing in my life I know for a fact will always stay the same.

While He has not changed, I certainly have. God has grown me, molded me more into who He has called me to be, taught me how to better walk the path of righteousness, and shown me what grace really is. He has made the fruit of the Spirit more and more evident in my life and gave me even more reasons to be madly in love with Him. Yes, He really has changed me. That is what led to me to write this post: to share nine lessons that God has taught me over our nine years together.

1. Everyday He has something for me to learn.

Every single day He brings more truth of who He is and who He wants me to be. I know so much more about Jesus now than I did when I was ten years old, but it makes my heart smile to know that childlike wonder I had for Him is still right here.

2. There is literally nothing He cannot do.

I have seen Him heal cancer deemed "incurable", wake up a friend from a coma, bring children to those who would "never" be parents, change lives, break chains, financially provide. The most "impossible" situation you can think of, Jesus can turn completely around. There is no limits when it comes to my God.

3. He always hears my prayers.

Even in those late nights when I cried out to Him and felt like no one was listening, He was. He may not always show up exactly when I want Him to, but He always, always shows up when I need Him to. There is not one prayer of mine that He doesn't hear.

4. The Gospel is so, so simple and so moving.

Before I was a Christian, I thought the Gospel was complicated. Now that I know Jesus, I know it is incredibly simple. Not only that, it stirs such a sense of gratitude in me that God would give His only begotten Son for me. It still humbles me to know He calls me His daughter despite all the wrong I have done. The Gospel moves me more and more over the years because I gain an even better understanding of my salvation and what it cost Jesus.

5. Godly friends are such a gift.

Having brothers and sisters in Christ to walk through life with is so encouraging and gives me strength. It reminds me that I am not alone and helps me to keep shining for Christ. Iron really does sharpen iron.

6. Reading the Word of God is life changing.

The more I learn from the Bible, the more it brings peace into my life. The more I find out about Jesus, the more I absolutely adore Him. Sometimes we need to just sit back and understand that we have access to the Word of God. That is incredible.

7. Worship does a good work in your heart.

The most free I have ever felt is when I have both of my arms raised, my eyes closed, and my voice lifted to the Lord. Leaving behind all of my worries and "priorities" to just sit at the Father's feet refocuses my attention where it should be. It puts into perspective what is really important versus what actually doesn't matter that much.

8. God is my Friend.

He likes to spend time with me. He loves to laugh with me, talk with me, walk with me. He isn't a distant God. He is present in every moment and wants to be invited into every aspect of my life. He delights in me.

9. He never changes.

I don't know about you all, but I like certainty. I like knowing things for sure, 100%. Knowing my God never changes and that His love for me never changes brings me so much peace. If He was faithful yesterday and today, He sure will be tomorrow. Resting in that truth helps me to worry less about the future.

Yes friend, God continues to bestow grace upon grace in my life and draw me into His presence. He continues to reveal to me more of His heart and character, and I know there is still so much more left for me to learn.

Whether you have been following Jesus for a week or for most of your life, your best is still yet to come. There is going to be a day when we march into Heaven's gates and see Him in all of His glory and splendor for ourselves. If you don't know Jesus, I promise that He wants to know you. Call on His Name today and ask for forgiveness!

Thank You, Lord for being faithful over the last nine years; it has no doubt been the best nine years of my life. Here's to eternity, and as I so often tell You in my quiet time, it's You and me forever, Jesus.


Shirt: Fiore Boutique

Jeans: Fiore Boutique

Necklace: Belk

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