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Writer's pictureLeslie Kandel

He is the Door

Updated: Jun 20, 2020

A quick story time for this week's blog. If this doesn't sum up how my second year of college is going so far, I have no idea what will.

When I go home for the weekends, I always lock my bedroom door just because it makes me feel more secure to know that my stuff is completely safe. I did the same last weekend, and of course when I came back, the first thing I did was unlock my door and lay all of my stuff in my room. I didn't even take the time to unpack then went to church with my roommate (and left my keys on my desk I might add).

Flash forward to after church, I get home and head to my room, and well. The. Door. Is. Locked.

Remember when I said the keys were on my desk?

Yep. I locked my apartment, bedroom, and car keys in my room along with my backpack, laptop, clothes, and even my glasses. The worst part, my apartment complex's office didn't open until the next morning at 9 AM, and my first class is at 9 AM!

Of course, I panicked, even called the Knoxville Police to come open it (I wish I was joking)... They said no if you were wondering.

My last resort was to call my parents and hope they would come help. Being the angels that they are, they headed to Knoxville at 10 PM. After lots of bobby pins, paper clips, metal hangers, and a credit card, they got it open.

You may be wondering why I am telling you this story, and thankfully, God did have a bigger thing for me to learn through this silly mistake I made that I want to share with you all.

Due to my own stupidity (just being honest, this was dumb), I got locked out of the room with no way of getting in on my own. I tried everything, even calling the cops. No matter what way I went about it, I remained outside the door. Until I called my father.

In the same way, everyone of us is separated from God because of our own sin. We may try to get to God through things like going to church or reading the Bible or being a "good" person, but all of these things fail to get us to Him. So, we have to call on the Father.

Before Jesus paid the price for our sin, there was a veil that separated the rest of the temple from the Holy of Holies, God's presence. There was a clear barrier there that we as sinful human beings could not cross. The Bible tells us that when Jesus died on the cross that veil was torn in two. And what does Jesus tell us in John 10:9?

"I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture."

God tore that veil in two and replaced it with the Door: His only begotten Son.

You may try every single way you can think of to enter God's presence, but the fact is, until you call on the Father and enter through the door by trusting Jesus as your Savior, you will remain on the other side.

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