A normal conversation with a friend a few days ago turned into a real theological and spiritual discussion about God's character. I have heard my entire life that God has a sense of humor, but I never really gave it much thought.
It seems to be a common outlook that God is sitting on His throne angry and always wanting us to do better. He absolutely wants to transform us into who He has called us to be and to ultimately become more like Him, but that does not mean that He is all serious and no joy. Joy itself is a fruit of the Spirit, and since the Holy Spirit is God, He is joy. What often happens when you are overflowing with joy? Laughter.
I have been following Jesus for eight years and still sometimes forget His kindness and love. I try to keep running as hard as I can to measure up to His standard when in my heart I know I do not have to. Jesus came because I could never meet His standard not so I could stress myself out every single day attempting to. Galatians 5:1 reminds us that we have been made free by Christ, so why are we constantly trying to check off all of the Christianity boxes rather than just resting in God and letting Him do the work in us?
In the conversation I mentioned earlier, a beautiful thought from the Holy Spirit came to mind: Jesus' laugh. Now, I want to share that thought with you in hopes that it will bless your soul like it did mine.
Imagine telling a joke and Jesus laughing so hard that He can't breathe, but He's laughing before you can even get it out because He heard you think of it.
Our God is our Master, and He does expect a lot from us; however, He gives us Himself in order to help us live godly lives. He is not just our Master though: He is our Friend. How many friendships do you have where you never laugh and spend quality time together? I'd say no good ones. Let's start treating our relationship with God as a friendship.
That's where biblical joy comes from. True time spent with the Father. This weekend, I am at the NCAA tournament in Ohio watching the Vols, and I have tried to stop and remember that God has been there every moment. He was there smiling as I jumped up and down singing Rocky Top when we got the win. He was there grinning when my eyes got wide at how big my steak was at dinner last night. He was there laughing along with us when my dad could not figure out how to get to the hotel so we just kept driving in circles.
I often envy the disciples because they got to physically walk with Jesus and hear that laugh that I just know is beyond beautiful, but I should not have to feel that way. I get to walk with the Spirit daily and know in the depths of my being that He is going through every second with me. Laughing when I laugh and wiping my tears when I cry.
Jesus is your Friend. Rest in His presence today and have a good laugh with Him.