When I started writing "L. Jessie" back in September, I had no idea what God had in store for it. He simply led me to starting it, and I said just said yes. In all honesty, I did not even know if anyone but my family would read it. Please do not get me wrong, I am by no means a famous blogger, but I definitely have more readers than I ever expected to have. I planted the seed and let God give the increase. Many people have messaged me about certain posts encouraging them through a hard time and pointing them back to the Lord, and to me, that is a success.
Here is the big news that I have been so excited to share with you all! I was recently offered a writer's position at The Odyssey, which is a huge blog-type site for college students to voice their opinions. There are posts of all kinds whether it be religion, politics, food, relationships, music, etc. It is a national site which according to Wikipedia has over 30 million readers. I was more than stoked to widen my reach to tell much more people about Jesus!
All writers at the Odyssey have the liberty to write what they want to, so there are for sure writers who have articles I do not agree with. At first, I let that intimidate me. Satan has no desire for anyone to follow God's plan for them to share the Gospel. He tried to tell me lies that just because other people are voicing their opposing opinions, I could not stand up and voice mine. Thankfully, through much prayer, the Lord revealed to me that the devil was just trying to hinder me from spreading the Gospel to a much bigger audience and walk through an amazing door He opened for me.
I am hoping that all of my readers will be happy for me and continue with me on this journey! "L. Jessie" will still be up and running; I will just be writing posts for it as well as writing weekly articles for the Odyssey. You will now have two places to find L. Jessie content! Please be praying that God will give me enough strength, time, and ideas to write that much all while being a full-time college student. God has provided me an opportunity to tell the good news of Jesus Christ to people all across the nation, and I could not be more excited! His plans are much better than our own. Please do not rush His plans: just let them come to you. Those are what make them the best.