Hello my wonderful readers! Before we get the blog started this week, I have BIG news that I have been so excited to share with you all! On April 29th (not this Sunday but the next), I will be speaking on Youth Sunday at my church, Alder Springs Baptist Church at eleven o'clock! I am going to be speaking on putting God first in your life, and my youth group will also be involved! Also, you are more than welcome to come to Sunday School where I will be teaching the adult women's class at ten! We would love for you to join us!
The big news leads us right into what we are going to be talking about this week: doors opening. We have talked a lot about letting closed doors stay shut and letting the past go, but what about new doors opening?
God has opened SO many doors for different things in my life recently. The one thing they all have in common is that God is using me to bring Him honor and glory, and I am so humbled by that. I feel so unworthy to be used by a holy and perfect God, but He sees fit to anyways. Isn't He just great?
I have always been a homebody. I just loved being at home for some reason, so when it came to growing up and moving out, I just pretended that it was not happening anytime soon. If I did not think about it, it would not actually come. When it came time that I actually had to think about my future, I decided that when I visited the college I was supposed to attend, I would feel peace only God could give as soon as I stepped foot on campus. I went on multiple visits and honestly felt the opposite of peace. That is, until I visited the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. When I took that first step on their campus, I felt that peace I had always dreamed of. If you had told me my freshman year that in just four years I was going off on my own fearlessly, I would have thought you were crazy.
God's funny like that, isn't He? He can take your weakness and use it as a tool to advance His Kingdom. I thought being a homebody would hold me back, but Jesus took out that fear, and now I get to attend the school I always loved growing up. (Go Vols!) I know He has a purpose for me there, and I can't wait to find that purpose. Thanks for opening this door, Jesus!
Besides the doors He has opened for me about college, He also opened this door for me to speak at my church in a little over a week. I love telling people about Jesus and what He wants to do in their lives if they just ask. I love sharing His good news. Anytime that I can testify of God's goodness, that is a blessing and a door I will walk through. As soon as my youth leader asked me if I wanted to do a presentation and speak in front of the entire church, I knew in my heart that God had been preparing me for that moment for a long time. And while I am extremely nervous, I could not be more excited to see what God has in store for that Sunday!
If a door is opening and you are wondering if you should walk through it, ask yourself if doing this would glorify God and pray about what He wants you to do. The odds are if it is an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus, it is definitely a God-thing, and you should walk through it. Always go with God's plans, and you cannot go wrong!