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Writer's pictureLeslie Kandel

To The Heartbroken

Updated: Jun 20, 2020

To the person going through heartbreak,

I have been there. That feeling when you hang up the phone and you know it is not going to ring again, it hurt in a way that I had never hurt before. All I could do was put my head in my hands and let the tears fall. Where is God in heartbreak? Where is God in a break up? Well, my dear reader, I asked these same questions, and I will tell you that in time you will see God's hand in your broken heart. Just let Him heal it.

Trust me, I know you loved them. I know you are wondering how you will ever get ice cream at Sonic, go to the movies, sing crazy duets in the car, or simply, walk to class without them. They have become a part of your daily world, or maybe even your world itself.

There lies the problem. My ex became my world. I put my relationship with him before my relationship with God, and that is ultimately why it failed. Our God is a jealous God; when you put something above Him, I can almost guarantee that He will not let it stay that way. When we broke up, I was bitter towards God. I questioned His goodness and His plans for me, and believe me, I am not proud of this but I want to be real on this blog. I wondered how He could take away the person I loved if He loved me so much. I am sure the same thought has crossed your mind.

To answer this question, He took that person away because He loves you so much. This person prevented you from spending time with God and from placing your identity in Christ. Once I made this connection, I realized why God did this. He loved me enough to put a stop to what was keeping us apart. That does not mean that it did not hurt or that it was not hard, it just means that I can now see God's caring hand in my break up. I see all the times I spent in His Word and presence crying out to Him for answers. I see the moments when all I could pray was, "Let Your Will be done, Lord." His hand was in all of that.

My relationship with God is stronger than it has ever been. Don't you love that? Don't you love how our God can take an awful situation and turn it into something beautiful? Look at the cross, the worst possible moment in history: our holy and righteous King hanging there bloody and beaten. But God did not stop there, He took the worst moment in history and used it to save the entire world. It looked hopeless but in it was the hope of humanity. He utilized my break up as way to deepen and sweeten our relationship. He can do the same for yours if you allow Him to. You may still miss them from time to time. Maybe, you'll go to Sonic and get ice cream and remember the times you went there together, but you will no longer view it in a negative light. You will smile, acknowledge it was a good memory, and be thankful that the Lord is writing a love story for you that is even better.

As for my ex, all I will say is that I pray for him daily and wish him the best in life. Do the same for yours. Pray for God's Will in their life. He has the best plans in store for them just as He does for you. Forgive them, if that is needed. Bitterness and hatred is not needed in your heart. Let God take your pain and mend your brokenness into something magnificent.

"The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." -Psalm 34:18 KJV

"He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." -Psalm 147:3 KJV

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