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Writer's pictureLeslie Kandel

My Testimony

Updated: Jun 20, 2020

On September 12, 2010 (seven years ago yesterday), I made the most important decision of my entire life. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. When He came into my life, all fear was diminished and replaced with joy. This is my story.

I was raised in church from the time I was born basically. Every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night, I was sitting right on the pew between my parents. I said my bedtime prayers, went to Sunday school, and sang with the rest of the children every service.

When I was eight years old, my church put on an Easter play. As Jesus hung on the cross, I felt my heart break. This man was innocent, holy, and perfect. He had done nothing to deserve this. After the play, my pastor came on stage and explained why Jesus died on the cross. He said it was for me because I was a sinner who needed a Savior. That was the first time I realized I was lost and undone without the Lord, but I did not understand how to surrender my life to Him.

Almost two years of fear and confusion went by. I wanted to know Jesus, but I still did not know how to give my life to Him. My pastor was more than willing to answer my questions; however, I did not comprehend his answers. I was just a little girl who lived everyday in fear of dying without Christ. Praise the Lord, He was so merciful to me during this time; He continued to reveal Himself to me and never gave up on me.

Then, one Sunday night at my church (Alder Springs Baptist Church) at ten years old, the Holy Spirit spoke to me. He told me, "I have been dealing with you for a long time now, and it is time you come and completely surrender to Me. Come and lay it all down." I made my way to the altar and repented of my sins. I will never forget looking up at my pastor and saying, "I'm not scared anymore." Jesus Christ saved my soul that night. I became a Christian and stopped living in fear. I felt indescribable peace and joy. I am forgiven forevermore.

Someday, I will see Christ face to face. I wonder if I will jump into His arms like a little girl who is excited to see her Father or if I will fall on my knees in awe of His presence. I cannot wait to thank Him for His love, forgiveness, and faithfulness. This world is not my home; I get to spend eternity with the Lord. If you are lost and want to receive Jesus's free gift, ask Him to come into your heart. He will make you a new creature, and you will never be the same. He loves you so much. He died just for the chance of knowing you.

"Born again, free from sin. I'm happy night and day. Makes me shout, there's no doubt. I know I'm born again."

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