As you have experienced if you have been "adulting" for even a short amount of time, some months are busier than others. Some seasons are busier than others.
If you are in a busy season, the question that probably comes up in your mind is this: how do I stay faithful to God and what He's called me to even when I am in a busy season?
I think there are two keys when it comes to answering that question:
Choose to rest.
Make the most of the time you do have.
Let's start by talking about that first one. Rest.
When I was in school, I made good grades. And if you grew up with academic success, you probably heard similar things that I heard throughout my academic career: how much potential you had, how hard you needed to work, how important your success was. I do not think the people who told us these things had bad intentions, but as you hear this type of ideology over and over, it starts to make you believe that unless you are constantly working harder and harder to reach your potential, you are lazy and have no value.
That is a lie from the enemy.
Choosing to rest is not lazy: it is obedience.
Genesis 2:2-3 says this, "By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."
In the beginning of Scripture, God made it clear that rest is a priority to Him, and if rest is a priority to God, it must be a priority to us. Think about it: rest was present in the world pre-fall of man. It has always been necessary and important.
If you are in a busy season, find time to rest. I know that is hard. After all, you are busy! But without resting with the Lord, you will not be able to sustain the pace you are going at.
Now, let's take a look at that second point: being faithful with the time you do have.
In Ephesians 5:16, the Apostle Paul told the believers in Ephesus to make the most of their time.
If I have a busy week and cannot record a teaching video for YouTube, does that mean I just cease creating content for that entire week? No.
I use the time I do have to create daily Instagram content to teach people the Word. I am called to teach people the Word of God, and I do that in any way that I can, even if all I am able to at that time is post a quick Instagram reel explaining what justification means. [Side note: if you are not following us on Instagram, follow us right now @wellreadlesliek for (almost) daily content teaching you the Bible, why to read it, and how to read it.]
Whatever the amount of time you have to give towards serving the Lord, give it! He will be honored by it. In my case, it may just be creating a reel, but that is what I have to give to Him. And I will give it! He is worthy.
Being busy can be hard, but it is possible to still be faithful to the Lord during that season. It just takes intentionality.